Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 8: tough Monday

I have a sneaking feeling that Monday mornings are going to be tough  for me. After doing a 3PM class yesterday, I was exhausted. Went to bed at around 10.30, an hour later then usual and woke up at 4.00. I was on five and a half hours of sleep, not fully rested when I walked in to the hot room. It was tough going and I had to sit through most of the class.  Whatever little poses I did, Suzann kept correcting me for most of them. Even though I was mentally present in class, physically I was a long way off. Need to get enough shut eye on Sun nights from now on. 
That is all the update for now. More tomorrow. 


  1. Yes, it was a 3pm class not a 3am class as I said earlier. They don't even open the studio that early and even if they did, I wouldn't go to it. :)
