Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 12:  Changing spots

It is a good thing I am writing this diary because it helps reinforce my resolution and reminds me of habits I need to break. I am proud to say I did not lounge in the bed for more than a few minutes after the alarm went off. Reached a full 12 minutes before the class was about to start. It was good to see Julie's pretty face when I entered the studio.
They replaced the whole heater unit the day before and everyone expected the room to get hotter. Yesterday, positioned in the third row, right in front of the door, it didn't feel too hot (yes, the body craves the heat once you get used to it!). So today, I went up to the front of the room, second left from the instructor's perch. This placement was new to me but I am going to try and practice in different parts of the room in these 60 days. 
The reason: I have come to realize how every student gets in a routine and have their favorite place to set up the mat. We all come in, looking to find our spot and setting up our mats, covering chilled water bottles and stretching. I am no exception and today was the day when practicing form a new spot did not feel strange. Tomorrow, I'll have to find another fresh spot. 
Catch you later. 

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