Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 5: Drifting off

So far, It looks like I may be able to do the first 30 days without a hitch. I have been getting up at the stroke of 4AM for a couple of days now and so far there is no urge to hit the snooze button. 
Itwas Jorina's turn to coach today and she was her usual competent self.  I drifted off into my dream world at some point during floor series and blocked out her voice. If I am in the second or third row, it doesn't matter because I have students in front of me for visual guidance. But being in the front row (yes, I seem to like it) makes you the visual guide. 
I snapped out of my reverie when Jorina reminded me we were doing cobra pose and not locust. I have done this sort of thing before and it is an indication for me to stay more present in class and less in my mind. 
I have a ton of chores to finish today, so I will log off for now. Catch you later. 

1 comment:

  1. Good to read you for my own motivation . I am preparing for something challenging and hope i would be able to do that despite my heart problem . Getting up at 5.30 is okay for me right now but 4 AM .. i bow down to that discipline.
