Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 17: much better today

I was a little skeptical if I would be able to do the morning class after coming so soon off the last evening class. But the morning class was easier, may be because the memory of yesterday's torture was still fresh in my body. Whatever the reason, it reminded me why I like morning class. 
Yesterday, I reached almost an hour early to the evening class and got a chance to talk to Ethel, who sits at the front desk. It seems she reads my blog regularly (yay!) and is also doing the 60-day challenge. She has two more days before she finishes and she told me she will end up doing ten doubles in the 60 days she is required to finish the challenge. She has already done seven doubles and she does not recommend doing a lot of doubles so quickly. I can understand but I may well have to do at least two if not three doubles before the deadline is over.


  1. I got a mention in a blog! This makes me smile. :) I should clarify that I don't think doubles are bad and in fact I think people should try them. I just don't highly recommend having to do so many so quickly. But then again everyone is different, huh? Just ask Peggy G. She's a rockstar with doubles for sure. I am glad I got to talk to you that evening. It was nice. Keep up the awesome work! :)

  2. Ethel, thanks for dropping by girl. I didn't mean to misquote you. I too think those who do doubles are awesome. I just don't think I have it in me to do a double. But since this is a challenge in every sense of the word I just may survive the double too and live to write about it. :)
    I ANSI glad I met you and talked to you too. :)

  3. That should have been *I am so glad I met you...*.
