Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 6: Minh says bye, kind of

Not that anyone is reading, but if you happen to come back later and check, I want to clarify that I did make it to Bikram yesterday. It being a Saturday and all, I had a busy day and never got around to updating the space.
Today, Minh was in charge of the class. He makes the class so much fun and always manages to push one or the other of my pose a little bit deeper than I think I can. This time it was the sitting head to knee. He made me flex my toes and I could feel the burn down my thighs. Thanks Minh.
At the end of the class, he announced he won't be taking too many classes since he got a new job. It was a sad and at the same time happy day for all of us. We all wish him the best.
Today, I will be doing the 3.00 PM class because T goes to the Hindu Temple yoga in the morning. Will try to update by the end of the day.


  1. 3am? Why? And how does that make sense? Sleep is just as important, no?

  2. Manisha, you caught my AM/PM error later. You are right, it was a 3PM class not 3AM. :)
